These sound clips are in .mp3 format and should be playable on any reasonable player for that format. We recommend WinAmp, because it provides a much less intrusive interface than either Windows Media Player or Real Player. It is also free.
In many browsers, clicking on a link will load a sound clip into a plug in which will then automatically play the clip. You can also download the clip to your hard disk for playing later by right-clicking the link and clicking "OK" when the save-as dialog box pops up.
You'll find a number of other cuts on his new web site. Also, don't forget to check out the on-line player at
Legalish things for idle passersby: All recorded material is © 2003 by Justin Piper. Any commercial use is expressly forbidden without prior approval.
Recital band line up: Justin Piper, guitar; Stephen Giannaros, tenor saxophone; Ben Zecker, piano and Hammond B3; Tony Vaughn, bass; Benny Benson, drums
Exkat Owt line up: Justin Piper, guitar; Matt Giannaros, bass; Ben Wangerin, drums
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Sound Clips
You can contact me at
This page last updated: Saturday, June 10, 2006